Camping Quinta de Odelouca, Algarve Camping Quinta de Odelouca, Algarve

Prices 2024

Camping Adults only 18+, Algarve Camping Adults only 18+, Algarve All prices are per night and VAT included.
Price from (or later) to
Departure before 12.00 am.
We can only accept cash payments in Euros (€).
Prices 1 January - 1 June
Pitch + 1p + tent/caravan + car or campervan € 19,00
Pitch + 2p + tent/caravan + car or campervan € 22,00
Carcaravan/campervan + 9m. € +7,50
Person extra € 5,00
Dog € 1,00
Electricity - 10amp. € 3,50
2nd Tent normal € 5,00
2nd tent small, partytent € 2,50
Extra car, Motor bike € 2,50
Trailer € 1,20
Departure after 12.00h
(max. - 18.00h)
50% of the daily rate


Discount 10% - 30% possible, depending on season and duration:
Price per night, 2 pers.
 electricity  excl.elec incl.elec
€ 22,00 € 25,50
1st Jan - 1st June
(8-15 nights)
€ 19,80 € 23,30
1st Jan - 1st June
(15-22 nights)
€ 18,70 € 22,20
1st Jan - 1st June
(22 nights or more)
€ 17,60 € 21,10
(30 nights or more)
€ 15,40 € 18,90
* price changes reserved
Closed June - December.


It is always a good idea to inform us by email on forehand, but especially when you want to stay longer than 7 nights.
The maximum stay is 5 months. We have no places for all year round and you can't leave your caravan on our campsite.
We wish you a hearty welcome! Bert & Thea

All prices are VAT and other taxes included.
Hot water and the pool are without any further costs.
Wifi on the campsite without extra charges.